Süper Şiirler (Kısa ve Harika)

In this article, we will take a journey into the fascinating world of superpoems. These short and impressive poems are special works that touch our emotions and drag us into deep thoughts. Here are some of the most beautiful super poems and the big impact of these small works of art. Poems are an elegant way to express human emotions and thoughts. However, there are some poems that, although short, create a great impact. In this article, we will pay attention to the magic of super poems. While these poems are short and impressive, they cause an emotional explosion and at the same time drag our minds into deep thoughts.

What are Super Poems?

Super poems, as the name suggests, are “super”, that is, great poems. They usually consist of a few short lines, but these short texts carry a great meaning. Now, let’s examine what makes superpoems so special.

The Magic of Super Poems

Their Shortness: One of the most striking features of superpoems is their brevity. Expressed in a few lines or sometimes just a sentence, these poems intensely evoke emotions. They are immediately understandable and effective for the reader. Expressing Deep Emotions Despite their brevity, superpoems often express very deep emotions. They effectively reflect human emotions such as love, sadness, happiness or disappointment. Mental Thoughts Super poems provoke not only emotional but also mental thought. With short and concise expressions, they get the reader to start thinking. Discovering the deep meanings behind the words prompts the reader to think.

Turkish Super Poems

Turkish literature is an important source of super poems. Some of our famous poets have come to the fore with short but effective poems. Here are some examples: YOU!.. You are the one I miss
You are the one I’ve been waiting for
You are the one I prayed to see in my dreams
You are my black love that I imprisoned in my heart
You were a guest who came at an unexpected time.
You are the one who makes me happy with your arrival
You are the one who leaves as timelessly as you came.
You are the one who condemns me to loneliness
You are still my black love whom I love madly! – Don’t go!
Figan falls, water recedes into the sea
It doesn’t rain from the oases on my eyelashes
A wind sobs, a branch breaks in solitude
Morning caravans bend their necks, butterflies die. Don’t go!
A star resents the sky, a child sighs
winds get confused
The water of all springs is drained
The coy flowers of my heart fade, I feel sad. Don’t go!
The mountains of images inside me remain orphaned
The shepherd star of the dawn kissing your hair
No more cranes pass, no more nightingales
Flowers don’t bloom in my garden, oh my dear! Don’t go!
My heart is condemned to pain
Storms remain behind, separations, memories, loneliness
humble love, teary song lyrics
I can’t get used to your absence, your absence is death. Don’t go!
All the wagons inside me topple over
It snows and I get cold at the stations. Don’t go!
Stay and let the violets bloom in the mountains
Let the sky turn into joy
Don’t leave me between two screams, oh my dear
I can’t get used to your absence, your absence is death. Don’t go!
All forests are set on fire
Birds also go to this city
I will be. – Wounded heart..!!…
Poems got sad, songs cried
The seagulls remained humble on the deserted beach
The dark clouds stopped above us and did not go away
Friends ask me about him, my heart cries. No one knew why the roses faded in my vase
My heart’s garden fell apart, fell apart and disappeared
All that’s left from my garden is a wounded heart
Hearts couldn’t unite, longing remained… – Just because I love you
He delayed my life until his arrival
While I’m getting ready to live with you
Why do you block my ways to you?
I know my screams are in vain
Like a sparrow hanging on a hawk’s claw
All my struggles are in vain
I’m calling out in vain, even though I know you won’t hear
It’s in vain for me to wait for you A pitch black curtain in your eyes
You applaud as much as you can
Melting like the candle in the candlestick to my end
You are not your ears
You blocked your heart from my calling to you, but I
While you keep your existence alive despite your absence, inside me
I embroider your picture with rose pink lines
To the carnation purple nights
I’m loading the poems with you like they’re bleeding
I make the verses cry.
I write you into syllables, despite all the things I couldn’t experience.
My utopias were that I wanted to live with you
My only dedication to you was my death
All my dreams were filled with you
I have a pinch of strength left, which I saved for last
I don’t know
Will you come out suddenly?
Without a handful of soil in the end
The one I embrace because of you. One day
Is there any chance you can understand that I love you?
Do you have hope to fall and follow your heart?
You know that your heart is entrusted to me
And me
Your heart is in my heart
Your heart is in my hands
Very soon
I will walk away into the bosom of destruction
You brought me down to this situation
The blame is on him. — With myself..!!…
don’t talk to me if you want
I said ’cause I’m jealous of you
I don’t like either
whether you talk to me or not
You are important to me
never for anyone else
Maybe I don’t taste like poetry
I dream a lot
I don’t understand why you’re jealous of me
As if there was love between us
Don’t ask to whom this poem is written
to anyone
I’m in love with myself
What can I give to anyone other than spring?
sharing is enough
Did you imply that there is love between us?
next to the baska
I won’t break a child’s heart, even if I didn’t – Is there any loyalty left in the world, dear?
How many times have you made me taste longing?
Love needs a heart, no need for words
You made my eyes dive into the horizons… You left neither dreams nor dreams
You were neither my spring nor my winter
My love birds as they migrate to homeland
You raised my heart to rebellion… My hands are cold and I can’t hold a pen.
My heart is frozen, my pulse is not beating
Life is ending but the roads are not ending
You made me find this Bodrum… Waves on the beach cry for me
You couldn’t be a plectrum to my heart strings
I was willing to die for you
You killed our love because of your absence… My head is always smoky, my eyes are full of smoke
I watch the rains of longing
I would run to you with my tired knees
You filled my rose with thorns… However, we were going to be a legend
The evil eye touched our love.
I stayed in the songs moonlight and sea
You made my spring reach forty-seven… A handful of soil in Murada is too much
What’s the use of springs without nightingales?
Greetings to the mountains, tulips and hyacinths
You have made my jasmine and violet fade.. — WHAT HAPPENS IF TWO DARK FORESTS LOVE EACH OTHER / IF THEY DON’T LOVE EACH OTHER There is actually no such thing as agreement.
stray times beneath tongues and faces
wandering around
Like an ass, a penis, a child-dog in the streets
the times I wandered
To protect my existence
my hands and feet under the tables
I shattered
Times are traitors, times are informers
What happens if two dark forests agree with each other?
Without agreement, there is no such thing as trusting.
Fears stray beneath tongues and faces
wandering around
And I hid my fear under my death
They smelled my fear
I ran away and they chased me
What happens if two dark forests trust each other?
There is no such thing as love without trust
wandering loneliness beneath tongues and faces
wandering around with fabricated memories, fake stories, nothing
I don’t use
I left my places for them
Still they came to my last door
Dark sea behind the door
Innocent in the sea, my pain in the trigger, my last faith
They saw it now in that dark sea
‘I am thousands of nobody’ What would happen if two dark forests loved each other?
If it doesn’t love – HOLD ON MY HEART They branded you, didn’t they my heart?
Bubbles filled with water everywhere.
There is no science that understands this situation;
The mind is a torn sack, a torn vocabulary. You are the target of the arrows coming from the sky;
Hoop embroidery whose lace is embroidered with fire.
Drawing three five-day world of regret!
Hang on for three to five breaths this close my heart! – Oh Istanbul, come to me in the evening redness
If you come to my heart
in a autumn season
come in september
If your aim is to understand me
if you will love me
love on a september evening
Do you understand my situation?
oh these nights
oh these breeze winds blowing
The sun setting so red
you are the participant
ah İstanbul!
oh city of traitors
you are lurking again
You’ll make me fall into your net again
You’re going to make me cry again!
if I could
close both my eyes
Let me tell my heart to be silent
I feel like forgetting everything!
I’m in trouble…
I have no exit doors left
Believe me, I am reluctant in my course!
You understand my situation!
ah İstanbul
oh city of traitors
You’re lying in wait again!
If I don’t cry, I’m dishonorable again. — I Want to Make Love. Making love is a separate passion for both of us.
A feeling that makes us both fly and forget everything.
If we share the same bed
He was passing through the heat of hell. Do you know, my love?
I want to make love with you
I want to caress your hair for hours
I want to hug your neck for years…..
Until you’re out of breath,
I want to kiss your whole body. -Everything is different with you,
If you’re around, I enjoy life.
Your smile is peace, your sorrow is sad,
I enjoy life with you. To meet with you, to meet with you,
Holding hands, kissing you,
Sharing grief, joy and love
I enjoy life with you. Living meaningfully with you, believe me!
If you are there, time passes peacefully,
My world is a garden from heaven with you,
I enjoy life with you. – Kissing
Is it making love?
With passion… So
My first love
When I was fifteen years old in Aşkale
thirty five degrees
in the cold
First I looked at the calendar,
You were only gone for a few months.
I said the days would pass,
What a few months.
It was a numbered day, it was over,
It would pass quickly.
My heart was relieved,
Poor guy, he believed it too. First the months stretched, then the weeks,
Oh shit, now
The minutes passed by,
Are the hour and minute hands still?
Why didn’t they move?
Flowers are not growing, spring is not coming.
Night does not reach day.
And the hours stopped, the stars remained as they were in the sky
Darkness, night, silence and absence of you – you, a monster of love hostile to lovers
I am the love bug that sips love with every breath.
You are the insect that eats the leaves of the flowers.
I am the dewdrop that wants to give life to the flower.
You are the rain of torment that melts the mountains
I am a piece of rock that you melted
You are east and I am west
you wander around the world
fugitive running away from me
I am a traveler who is determined to find you.
You are a bud that gives life to the world
I want you to open it
the mole who gave up his life
You are an angel who gives life to everyone except me.
I’m your only victim
Even though you and I are as opposite as life and death
One day I will find you, the last prisoner in LOVE – If I could draw,
Your face would be spring…
If I could write,
The longest of your poems…
Nope, I couldn’t do it.
My age will write your name on the walls
I have already passed.
My forbidden love
Detention side…
I melted you in my heart.

The Power of Super Poems

Super poems prove that words can make a big impact. With just a few lines, they get people emotionally moved and start thinking. This power helps poets and readers make deep sense of their lives.

The Secret of Super Poems

The secret of super poems is to use the power of the word skillfully. Although they are short, they are poems in which each word is placed in a meaningful way. Every letter, every word carries a purpose, and this drags the reader into deep thought.


Super poems are a great opportunity to discover the magical world of words. Although they are short, they express deep emotions and provoke mental thought. The great poets of Turkish literature have contributed to this special branch of art.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to write super poems? When writing super poems, you must choose words carefully and express deep emotions concisely. Brevity is important, so every word needs to make sense.
What is the effect of superpoems? Super poems create a deep emotional and intellectual impact on readers. Although they are short, they carry great meaning.
What are the super poems of Turkish literature? Among the super poems of Turkish literature, Cemal Süreya’s “Remember me like that” and Atilla İlhan’s lines “On one side of us is Spring, on the other side is winter” are important examples.
Why are superpoems so effective? Super poems skillfully use the power of the word and can be quickly read and understood due to their brevity. These features enable the reader to be affected emotionally and mentally.
What is the impact of superpoems on readers? Super poems make readers think deeply, create an emotional connection, and trigger a variety of emotional reactions. Therefore, they leave a great impact on the readers.

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